Visit of OTHU site of Yzeron watershed
From February 7 to 9, 2023, the INRAE center of Lyon Villeurbanne welcomed about thirty European researchers (twenty participants and ten trainers and organizers) for a workshop proposed by the European IR eLTER entitled “eLTER Software workshop – Introducing new tools”. This workshop allowed the participants to discover and learn about several tools for data collection, analysis and visualization developed in the framework of the eLTER PLUS project: the DataLabs, the DEIMs information manipulation tools, the R ReLTER package, the PhenoApp application.
On Wednesday afternoon, a visit was organized to present the OTHU site of the Yzeron basin and the instrumentation deployed by the RU RiverLy on this basin. In connection with the river union, the “SAGYRC”, the visit also included an ecological restoration site.