Exhibition on « Critical Zones » : Observatories for Earthly Politics 23/05/2020 – 09/01/2022
« Scattering, the Beginning of a New Adventure »

The exhibition « Critical Zones » : Observatories for Earthly Politics run at the ZKM, Karlsruhe from Saturday 24 July 2020 to Sunday 9 January 2022. The exhibition has come to an end with a closing ceremony hold on Sunday at 6 pm.
The ceremony ” Scattering, the Beginning of a New Adventure ” was entertained by Barbara Kiolbassa, Bettina Korittenberg, Chantal & Bruno Latour as well as Peter Weibel and Jérôme Gaillardet.
Nearly 200 participants from all over the planet attended this closing ceremony. The final note of the exhibition was marked by the discovery of the Critical Zone music, created by the composer Jean-Pierre Seyvos and performed by the group “Les Epopées” in the chapel Saint-Vincent de Paul. A tangle of notes and words with the reading of texts and poems on the Critical Zone by Bruno Latour and Jérôme Gaillardet plunged all of us into an emotional and joyful moment.
A ” scattering event “, as Chantal and Bruno Latour tell us, to underline that the exhibition had a beginning and today an end, the ceremony giving a new opportunity to talk about the Critical Zone, this Critical Zone that makes us ever more aware and more attentive to the world we live in.
” Scattering, getting lost, finding new ways of exploring the Critical Zone and find another entry in the question of ecology “.
The doors of the exhibition are closing today but the Critical Zone concept keeps on spreading out around the world and this is only the beginning of a new adventure.
The replay of the closing ceremony will be available on the ZKM website very soon.
L’inscription à la visite guidée virtuelle : https://zkm.de/en/exhibition/2020/05/critical-zones
La vidéo de présentation de l’exposition (symposium sur le changement climatique, U GeorgiaTech) : https://globalchange.gatech.edu/about/
La vidéo de présentation de l’exposition : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PwRJHdF8OY&t=1414s
La plateforme virtuelle de l’exposition : https://critical-zones.zkm.de/#!/
Le festival d’ouverture : https://zkm.de/en/critical-zones-streamingfestival
Les vidéos de l’Université Terrestre : https://zkm.de/en/the-terrestrial-university
La version en anglais du guide de l’exposition : https://zkm.de/media/file/de/cz_fieldbook_digital_de.pdf
Plus d’informations :https://zkm.de/en/exhibition/2020/05/critical-zones