The 7th OZCAR Research Infrastructure Days take place from 27 to 30 March 2023 at the MILEADES center located in Samatan in the Gers. Nearly 80 participants are expected on site and other participants might join online.
The topic of the OZCAR annual days : ” Critical Zone and Agriculture “.
These days will be an opportunity to address several points :
- An assessment on the progress of the activities (workpackages) carried out within the IR OZCAR
- An assessment of some of the transversal theme projects supported since 2019 and the presentation and discussion of the new transversal theme projects submitted to the last call for projects
- A presentation by the two invited “Grands Témoins” : Annie Ouin (DYNAFOR – Dynamics and Ecology of Agriforestry Landscapes, Toulouse) and Youri Rothfuss (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
The field trip scheduled on Tuesday will enable to discover the site of the ICOS flow tower (Observatoire du Sud-Ouest) and the BV d’Auradé of the OZCAR RI. The afternoon will be devoted to the presentation of flagship projects conducted in the territory, as well as on technological developments.
The synthetic programme of the OZCAR annual days (French version) : open
The provisional programme of the OZCAR annual days (French version) : open