Doctoral position U Melbourne/U Lyon
PhD position: “New monitoring technologies serving a better understanding of land and river degradation in urban areas”
Short description:
A fully-funded PhD project is available investigating relations between land use and soil erosion using innovative low-cost, open-source and Internet of Things technologies. The project will investigate the dynamics of soil erosion on hillslopes and suspended sediment sources in peri-urban areas: what are the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil erosion in relation to land use; where is sediment supply coming from in the urban context; and how much is generated? Based on a comparative analysis of river catchments involved in long-term research observatories in Australia (Melbourne) and France (Lyon), this project will develop and implement low-cost sensor networks (e.g. water level, turbidity, and colour) in headwater streams to quantify dynamic sediment yields and fraction derived from each source.