Tanguy le Borgne, ERC Consolidator Grant, “Reactive Fronts”
Tanguy le Borgne, physican at the JRU Geosciences Rennes (Earth Sciences and Astronomy Observatory : OSU Rennes, OSUR – https://osur.univ-rennes1.fr/) has been involved since 2015 as PI for an ERC Consolidator Grant (excellence fellowship), « ReactiveFronts » (2 million euros; 2015-2020). This ambitious project is focused on a study on mixing interfaces as reactive hotpsots of porous media flows comprising theoritical upscaling, experimental imaging and field scale validation. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the project goes forward in the knowledge of hotspots of chemical and high microbiological activity. Besides, industrial applications in the field of environmental engineering is in progress (clogging problems in geothermic infrastructures).
For further details: https://osur.univ-rennes1.fr/page/tanguy-le-borgne-heureux-laureat-d039un-erc