CALL FOR PhD CANDIDATES Thesis in fluvial geomorphology and geochemistry funded by CNRS (France)

Title: Impact of river engineering works on the dynamics and composition of sedimentary transfers and deposits along the Upper Rhine: coupling geomorphological and geochemical approaches

Faculty advisors: Laurent Schmitt – Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement (LIVE) – University of Strasbourg François Chabaux – Laboratoire d’Hydrologie et de Géochimie de Strasbourg (LHYGES) – University of Strasbourg Dominique Badariotti – Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement (LIVE) / OHM Fessenheim – University of Strasbourg

Background and objective of the thesis: This project globally aims at reconstructing the spatio-temporal dynamics of sedimentary deposits in the Upper Rhine and their chemical composition in relation to the industrial, agricultural and urban evolution of this region, from the 18th century onwards. It thereby focuses on three main time periods: 1. prior to the engineering works of the Rhine (several centuries); 2. main engineering works during the 19th-20th centuries (e.g. canalization of the river and regional industrialization); 3. modern times, encompassing the closure of the nuclear power plant of Fessenheim.

Required skills: The candidate must have obtained a Master 2 in physical geography, geology, environmental sciences or engineering. Research experience in fluvial geomorphology and geochemistry would be appreciated. He/she must be part of a multidisciplinary research team composed of geographers, hydrogeochemists, geochronologists, lawyers and economists and must therefore show an interest in interdisciplinary research.

Location, remuneration: France, Strasbourg, Laboratories LIVE et LHYGES (Central Campus of University of Strasbourg); gross monthly salary of 2135 €, or 1683 € net/month (including social security

Deadline: May, 31 2019 (24:00)

An interview of the selected candidates after examination of the letters of motivation and CV will take place in Strasbourg on Friday June, 6 2019 (morning).

Further details for application:

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