Scientific context
ROSES (Groundwater Observation System network) is the network of groundwater observation at the national scale (Metropolitan France and Overseas Territories). It is based on the monitoring of more than 80,000 water points for the surveillance of groundwater quality and groundwater levels.
Starting year: 2002
Location: France
Keywords: Aquifers, piezometry, water quality, groundwater
Database :
Web site:
PI: Laurence Gourcy
Scientific questions
ROSES aims to monitor one of the major compartments of the Critical Zone: the saturated zones of the subsurface. This monitoring makes it possible to better understand groundwater level variation and water quality for different aquifers systems over the whole french territory, including different types of aquifers (alluvial, sedimentary and basement) in a context of global change.
Although ROSES was initially set up within the framework of water policies and for drought and flood risk prevention, it can also be used to address various scientific questions, in particular the multi-scale issue, with data assimilation for modeling.
Sites and measured variables
ROSES is deployed throughout the French territory and is based on the monitoring of more than 80,000 data points (wells, boreholes, springs). This corresponds to more than 17 millions piezometric levels, and more than 101 millions analysis (in situ parameters, major ions, traces, organic compounds (pesticides, pharmaceutical substances, etc.). The monitoring frequencies of the chemical data range from monthly to annual depending on the pressure on the resource.
The groundwater level, for the network of boreholes of the Water Framework Directive observatory, is recorded every hour.
Partners and further information
Data collection and the monitoring of the several stations are carried out by a number of actors, the main ones being the Water Agencies, the Regional Directorates for the Environment, Planning and Housing (DREAL), the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) and the BRGM. ROSES includes data from the SISE-EAUX database (from the Ministry of Health, supplied by the sanitary control) about groundwater captured for the production of drinking water (only data on raw water), from local authorities (departmental and regional councils, aquifer management syndicates, communities of communes, natural parks) and other organizations in charge of public missions. Finally, the data from industrialists in the framework of the monitoring of classified installations and polluted sites are, in part, transferred to ROSES.