Perennial Environment Observatory

Perennial Environment Observatory

Scientific context

The Perennial Observatory of the Environment (OPE) was established by Andra in 2007 at the border of the Meuse and Haute-Marne departments of Northeastern France (Grand Est). It aims to describe and monitor environmental changes of an area selected to host an industrial geological disposal facility (project Cigéo, for high-level and intermediate-level long-lived radioactive waste).

The OPE covers an area of 900 km² around the Cigéo project site. It is primarily a rural territory with agricultural land use (crops, meadows) and forests.

The OPE offers an exceptional opportunity to monitor the overall evolution of a territory as well as characterize relationships between environment, society, and economics through long-term observations of the environmental compartments (soil, atmosphere, water, biodiversity, etc.) and through ecosystem analysis.


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Starting year: 2007

Localisation: North-East of France, near the city of Nancy

Keywords: environmental monitoring


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PI: Catherine Galy

Zone d’étude de l’Observatoire Pérenne de l’environnement
Study area of the Permanent Environment Observatory © ANDRA

Scientific questions

In order to answer scientific, regulatory or territorial issues related to the implementation of a major project of national interest, such as the Cigéo project, Andra committed to an integrated ecosystem analysis of the observations performed, including consideration of the major environmental balances and the associated socio-economic drivers. The evaluation approach of ecosystem services should make it possible to grasp, process, evaluate, structure and map the observation data and thus to develop prospective development scenarios specific to the disposal sites. At the OPE territory scale, the goal is to define relevant indicators and develop methods of prospective simulation of environmental evolution.

Sites and measured variables

OPE includes a complete set of resources for observing ecosystems (water, air, soil, biodiversity) and preserving environmental samples, in an area of approximately 350 km² around the Cigéo project site. Two main principles have governed its implementation: (i) to ensure, for each observable, the spatio-temporal representativeness of the sampling by a choice of mesh size and periodicity of measurements that is adapted to the variability of the territory and to current and supposed future forcings, and (ii) to integrate national environmental networks when they exist, with a dual objective of scientific quality (in particular by applying the standards and current protocols), and accessibility on a spatial scale beyond the one of the host territory.

The OPE is part of the monitoring programs for air quality (atmosphere of the Grand-Est), water quality (according to Water Framework Directive), weather (Météo France), greenhouse gases (ICOS RI), atmospheric particles (ACTRIS RI), soil quality (RMQS), biodiversity (MNHN) and radiological background (IRSN-OpeRa) as well as agricultural, forestry, hunting and fish farming practices.

Partners and further information

The OPE is managed by ANDRA (Research and Development Department). The OPE works with many academic partners (INRAE, CEA, CNRS), universities (INRAE-BEF and SYLVA, LCSE, IGE, Université de Lorraine LES and LAE) and institutions (IRSN, MNHN, Atmo Gd Est, Météo France, LNE, ONF, Chamber of agriculture, IGN, Hunting and fishing fédérations) but also with many consulting firms, especially for “biodiversity” monitoring.
