OZCAR annual meeting 2022

Participants at Domaine Lou Capitelle, Vogüé, Ardèche – © Hubert Raguet

The 6th annual meeting of the OZCAR Research Infrastructure is being held from Monday 7 to Thursday 10 March 2022.

They will take place in the Ardèche at the Domaine Lou Capitelle (https://www.loucapitelle.com/) located in Vogüé, South Ardèche.

The theme of these days: “Sediments and Contaminations”

As scheduled at each of these meetings, invited “grands témoins” will present the latest research on the understanding of the functioning of the Critical Zone in relation to contaminants.

This meeting will be an opportunity to review the progress of the activities (workpackages) of the OZCAR RI and to present the new projects of cross-cutting scientific themes of the call for cross-cutting themes projects launched on November 21, 2021.

A field trip is scheduled to the “Olivier de Serres” site, in Mirabel, offering the opportunity to discover an observation site (“Olivier de Serres” basinshttps://ohmcv. osug.fr/Bassins-Olivier-de-Serres) of the OHMCV/OZCAR IR observatory (Observatoire Hydrométéorologique Méditerranéen Cévennes-Vivarais, http://www.ohmcv.fr/) managed by colleagues from the research unit IGE, Grenoble.

The 4th OZCAR ceremony will reward a young researcher for his/her work on the Critical Zone.

Please find a short programme : Click

A detailed programme is available here.

Presentations and workshop : Open
