Launch of the 1st hydrometry training course by OZCAR RI

This morning saw the start of the first hydrometry training course organized by the OZCAR research infrastructure in Lyon. The event brought together 18 participants – trainers, engineers and technicians from 9 OZCAR RI observatories – around the expertise of RiverLy‘s River Hydraulics team (INRAE, Lyon Villeurbanne).
Over two days, participants will alternate between :
- classroom presentations on different gauging methods,
- practical work in the field, notably at an OTHU Yzeron observatory station,
- and exercises using tools to analyse gauging data and establish rating curves (water height – discharge relationships).
This training is a great opportunity to strengthen technical skills within the OZCAR community and to encourage exchanges between observatories.
Many thanks to the RiverLy team and to all participants for their involvement in this event!