A week of multidisciplinary experimentation on the Frasne peat bog (Tourbières Observatory/OZCAR RI) 26 – 30 JUNE 2023

Plateform SNO Tourbières at Frasne site
(© Hubert Raguet, CNRS Images)
Taking water and dissolved gas samples from a piezometer – © Hubert Raguet, CNRS Images
Taking water and dissolved gas samples from a piezometer – © Hubert Raguet, CNRS Images
Sampling and water filtration – © Hubert Raguet, CNRS Images

A multidisciplinary field campaign was organised on the Frasne site belonging to the Tourbières Observatory from 26th to 30th of June 2023, at the initiative of members of the OZCAR research infrastructure and the EQUIPEX + “Terra Forma” project, bringing together nearly 15 researcher for the fieldwork and around 30 in total from 13 research units. The aim of the campaign was to track carbon productions, transfers and exchanges in the Critical Zone. The campaign made it possible to characterise the spatial heterogeneity (vertically and along the upstream-downstream gradient) of the production, transfers to the surface and exchanges with the atmosphere of Carbonaceous Greenhouse Gases (CO2, CH4) in the peat bog by combining physical, geochemical and biological approaches and tools. Hence, the team carried out major ions, trace elements, dissolved gas, organic content and isotopic evaluations in piezometers and at the outlet of the peatland, peat sampling for further microbiological characterizations, as well as gas measurements at the peat surface using a portable chamber, a flux tower and drone overflights.

Read more : A fieldwork experimental campaign at Frasne site, Tourbières Observatory, OZCAR RI

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