Scientific context
Located in the Réunion Island, the ERORUN observatory surveys water and matter fluxes in a context of tropical climate setting with extreme rainfalls controlled by tropical cyclones. Réunion Island young volcanic island with high relief (3,000 m). Flash floods dominate periods of heavy rainfall with very high flow and significant solid transport.
Starting year: 2016
Location : Réunion island (France)
Keywords: hydrology, erosion
Web site:
Scientific questions
The Reunion Island is marked by major environmental and social issues concerning the components of the hydological balance: rainfall/flow/erosion. ERORUN observatory serves to monitor and study these processes in a tropical context with a high relief.
Sites and measured variables
The main site of ERORUN is the watershed of the Rivière des Pluies. All the components of the hydrological balance are measured: rainfall, water flows, solid and dissolved matter flows. Rainfall is measured by a network of rain gauges and two S band radars and one UHF radar. Water balances are monitored at several stations as well as geochemical and sediment fluxes.
Partners and further information
ERORUN is supported by the UMR Géosciences Réunion, Météo-France and Réunion University. Hydrometric measurements are carried out by the Water Office of the Réunion Island. ERORUN observatory is part of the Observatory for Universal Science of the Réunion Island (OSU-R).