Initially scheduled next autumn 2020, the 1st OZCAR TERENO International Conference: “Advancing Critical Zone Science” will take place from 5 to 7 October 2021 in Strasbourg in a hybrid format taking into account the sanitary situation.
The event will offer keynote lectures and poster sessions reflecting the cutting edge of Critical Zone research, aiming at a better understanding of the most superficial layer of the planet where all human activities concentrate. The meeting will also help a better integrated process understanding using multidisciplinary Critical Zone observatories.
In the hybrid format, the oral sessions will be broadcast live. Persons that will not be physically present will be able to present remotely.
A standard physical poster sessions will be organized for the participants that will be present on site.
A virtual poster presentation will also be proposed for those who will not be present, with dedicated time slots to exchange with all the authors of posters.
All the persons presenting a poster will be asked to upload their poster on the web site in advance to foster discussion and networking.
Associated to the event, a visit to the Strengbach Critical Zone Watershed, OHGE (Observatoire Hydrogéochimique de l’Environnement), one of the OZCAR IR observatories (https://www.ozcar-ri.org/fr/ohge/), is planned on October 4th, 2021.
Moreover, a visit of the exhibition ” Critical Zones: Observatories for Earthly Politics “, at the ZKM, Karlsruhe, is organised October 8th, 2021. You can find the virtual tour and the opening festival of the exhibition on the ZKM website: https://zkm.de/en/exhibition/2020/05/critical-zones.
⇒ The call for abstracts is open until June 15th, 2021.
To submit your abstract go to the web site of the conference (you will have to create an account): https://ozcartereno2020.sciencesconf.org/
You will be asked your preference (on site participation or virtual participation).
However, the conference will be moved to 100% virtual if the number of abstracts submissions with a on-site presentation is too small (decision taken after June 15), due to the overcost of the hybrid format.
We are waiting for your contributions !!!!
Registrations open from 01.07.2021.