Worshop “knowledge’s frontiers in water unsaturated hydrosystems”, Orléans, 27-28 June 2019

This international workshop is entitled “Knowledge’s frontiers in water unsaturated hydrogeosystems: interface dynamics, heterogeneities & couplings” and aimed to gather skills and expertise’s from different disciplines and cross-cuttings to exchange and debate on the locks, new opportunities, future scientific and technological developments etc. on the coupled processes inducing mass and heat transfers in the multiphase Unsaturated Zone of carbonate aquifers. Indeed and more generally, the understanding of the behavior of the Critical Zone (CZ) in response to the global changes requires the integration of geological, geochemical and biological cycles and their couplings at different and relevant time-space scales.
Location and date: Orléans, 27 and 28 June 2019
Infos: http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/knowledge-s-frontiers-water-unsaturated-hydrogeosystems-interface-dynamics-heterogeneities)

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