The upcoming OZCAR Research Infrastructure annual meeting will take place from March 10 to 13, 2025, in Levier in the Doubs department.
The field visit will allow us to discover the site and the research conducted on the Frasne peatland (SNO Tourbières), as well as sites from the Jurassic Karst Observatory (SNO Karst).
The theme of the meeting will be “Critical Zone and Health,” with keynote speakers Patrick Giraudoux (Emeritus Professor at Chrono Environnement in Besançon), who works on landscape and wildlife ecology, and Camille Besombes (a specialist in infectious and tropical diseases and a doctor in epidemiology and public health, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the MédiaLab of SciencePo).
The program of the meeting is under construction and a draft can be consulted here.