OZCAR at EGU, Vienna (Austria), April 9 to 13, 2018

OZCAR research infrastructure will be attending the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, in Vienna (Austria) from April 9 to 13.

Session :  SSS3.5/GM3.10/HS11.51
Assessing the Critical Zone functioning and reconstructing its evolution, based on soils and sediments, interpreting the geochemical composition of soils and sediments with respect to provenance, palaeoenvironments and pollution (co-organized) https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/session/27066

Chemical weathering in a multi-layer aquifer-dominated watershed under intensive agriculture conditions: the Orgeval Critical Zone Observatory, France.

Jérôme Gaillardet, Paul Floury, Gaelle Tallec, Julien Bouchez, Patrick Ansart, and Caroline Gorge

OZCAR: the French Critical Zone initiative: connecting the Earth’s skin observatories.

Fatim Hankard, Jérôme Gaillardet, Isabelle Braud, Olivier Bour, Nathalie Dörfliger, Catherine Galy, Fatima Laggoun-Defarge, Guillaume Nord, Delphine Six, and Tiphaine Tallec

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3rd OZCAR TERENO Conference 2025

3rd OZCAR TERENO Conference 2025

2nd International Conference TERENO OZCAR – Bonn

In October 2021, we organized the first conference jointly organised by French network OZCAR, the French research infrastructure on “Observatoires de la Zone Critique” and German network TERENO, “ Terrestrial Environmental Observatories ” in Strasbourg, France. It was the first meeting of this kind in Europe aiming at bringing together scientists active in terrestrial system’s research. This […]


A week of multidisciplinary experimentation on the Frasne peat bog (Tourbières Observatory/OZCAR RI) 26 – 30 JUNE 2023 A multidisciplinary field campaign was organised on the Frasne site belonging to the Tourbières Observatory from 26th to 30th of June 2023, at the initiative of members of the OZCAR research infrastructure and the EQUIPEX + “Terra […]
