OZCAR at EGU, Vienna (Austria), April 9 to 13, 2018
OZCAR research infrastructure will be attending the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, in Vienna (Austria) from April 9 to 13.
Session : SSS3.5/GM3.10/HS11.51
Assessing the Critical Zone functioning and reconstructing its evolution, based on soils and sediments, interpreting the geochemical composition of soils and sediments with respect to provenance, palaeoenvironments and pollution (co-organized) https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/session/27066
Chemical weathering in a multi-layer aquifer-dominated watershed under intensive agriculture conditions: the Orgeval Critical Zone Observatory, France.
Jérôme Gaillardet, Paul Floury, Gaelle Tallec, Julien Bouchez, Patrick Ansart, and Caroline Gorge
OZCAR: the French Critical Zone initiative: connecting the Earth’s skin observatories.
Fatim Hankard, Jérôme Gaillardet, Isabelle Braud, Olivier Bour, Nathalie Dörfliger, Catherine Galy, Fatima Laggoun-Defarge, Guillaume Nord, Delphine Six, and Tiphaine Tallec