The OZCAR Award is awarded during the annual OZCAR days to reward an exemplary article illustrating the integrated, multidisciplinary approach that the Critical Zone concept wants to promote. The prize aims to encourage a young researcher (less than 8 years after the thesis), first author of the article. This young researcher is awarded, in addition to the Critical Zone Scientist Award of the year, a sum of 2000 to 3000 euros to carry out research in Critical Zone science. Multidisciplinarity can also extend to socio-ecological aspects. Several observatories can be involved as well as several disciplines or both.
The call for the Ozcar Award is launched at the end of each year. The applications are examined by the laureates of the previous years. The application file consists of a short CV and a summary of the submitted publication with an illustration (the summary and the illustration should not exceed 1 page). English is accepted.
Laureates 2019, 2020, 2021
Bastien Wild, Princeton University – USA, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (Geochemica and Cosmochimica Acta, Janvier 2019)
Clément Duvert, Charles Darwin University – Australia, Research Institute – Environment and Livelihoods (Nature Geoscience, Octobre 2018)
Simon Carrière, Sorbonne Université, laboratoire METIS, Paris (Milieux environnementaux, transferts et interactions dans les hydrosystèmes et les sols) (Science of the Total Environment, Septembre 2019)
Virginie Sellier, Université Paris Saclay, laboratoire LSCE (Science, Climat et Environnement) – Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (Geomorphology, Octobre 2020)