The 1st OZCAR TERENO conference “Advancing Critical Zone Science”, jointly organised by the French OZCAR and German TERENO observation and research networks, was held from 5 to 7 October 2021 in hybrid format at the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg.
A real success with nearly 300 participants, 190 being on site and 100 virtual. A total of 70 oral and 100 poster presentations were given within the 17 specific sessions presenting cutting edge observation and research devoted to the study of the Critical Zone.
Topics ranged from soil/vegetation/atmosphere exchange processes, biogeochemical processes, data use, new measurement methods and modelling approaches.
The topics presented included the latest advances in observation and research on the Critical Zone, ranging from different approaches to long-term environmental and biodiversity observation, to the integration of in-situ and remote data, as well as innovative detection methods, all together contributing to interdisciplinary and integrated research.
This conference, which follows the conferences organised by the TERENO network in 2014 in Bonn and in 2018 in Berlin, is intended to be organised alternately every two years, in France and in Germany. We will therefore have the pleasure of meeting again in Germany in 2023.
Furthermore, we would like to underline that the conference is an event registered in the European infrastructure eLTER RI calendar, as underlined by Michael Mirtl during the launch day of the “Mars Meeting” – 20 to 22 October 2021 and represents a major contribution in the building of eLTER RI.
In parallel to the conference, a visit to the OHGE/OZCAR RI observatory was organised on Monday 4, October. The participants (nearly 40) were able to discover the Strengbach observatory with all the richness of its instrumentation (Riverlab station, gravimetric station, etc.) and the concerned scientific challenges in terms of observation and research. This year, the observatory will celebrate its 35th anniversary, testifying to its long-term data collection.

On Friday 8, October, a visit was scheduled at ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany to discover the exhibition on “Critical Zones”. A unique moment for the participants to discover this flabagasting exhibition.

More information: https://ozcartereno2020.sciencesconf.org/